

Alerting is turned off by default on the platform.

To activate this feature

  • Open tools menu

  • Click on Global settings

  • Then

You can opt for notifications regarding new problems and/or problem resolutions.

Notification types

You have the option to receive notifications in three different ways.

Problems persistently appear on the UI after creation, remaining visible even without an active notification.


Prior to email report delivery, configuring an SMTP server is necessary.


A http POST request is sent to the specified url with a body containing the following fields

        "event_time": "2022-10-05 10:19:27",
        "notification_type": "PROBLEM",
        "pg_instance": "server@crm-production",
        "check_name": "memory_usage",
        "check_state": "CRITICAL",
        "message": "Memory usage: 95% used (1730MB/1835MB) [>=95% - CRITICAL]",
        "extra_data": {
            "value": 96,
            "used": 2512,
            "total": 3000

The extra_data field can contain different fields depending on the check_name

Custom Script

The script must be executable and present on the platform server. It is executed at each notification and receive the following parameters:

  1. Event time

  2. Notification type

  3. PostgreSQL instance

  4. Check name

  5. State

  6. Message

A GitHub repository with a comprehensive toolkit that includes usage examples is accessible. The toolkit comes pre-installed on the on-premises platform and can be found at the following directory: /datasentinel/soft/datasentinel_toolkit.

Last updated