
A tag is comprised of both a key and a corresponding value, working together to represent a distinct property.

These tags serve as attributes intricately linked with instances, providing a structured and organized means of categorization.

How it Works

Certain tags are automatically generated, encompassing crucial details such as the server name, PostgreSQL version, instance name, and associated database (if applicable).

Moreover, Datasentinel offers the flexibility to create additional tags, allowing for a comprehensive customization of instance attributes during the configuration phase.

These user-defined tags can be tailored to align precisely with your specific needs and organizational requirements, enhancing the depth and accuracy of instance profiling within the system.

This comprehensive approach to tagging empowers users to efficiently classify and manage instances based on unique criteria, fostering a more refined and insightful understanding of their PostgreSQL environment.

Here is a list of possible tags that could be used:

  • Special Tags

    • pg_instance It is is a unique identifier in your environment, formed by concatenating the server name with @ and the connection name set during initialization.

    • server

    • pg_version Cluster version

    • database

  • Automated Tags generated through the active session sampling process on pg_stat_activity

    • wait_event_type

    • wait_event

    • application_name

    • client_host_name

    • command_type

    • query_md5_id Query identifier computed by Datasentinel

    • user_name

  • Custom Tags

    • Can be any desired tag

Tags provide additional context and categorization to the data, allowing for more detailed analysis and insights.

Blog Post

Interactive Demo

This demo demonstrates how to use tags as filters within the User Interface.

Last updated