👨‍🏭Users & Roles

Datasentinel employs a multi-layered approach to secure user access to its platform and control who can access monitored PostgreSQL instances.

Refer to Blog Post


Users can be managed through both the User Interface or API in an efficient manner.

LDAP Integration

In addition, the platform supports LDAP configuration for seamless authentication.


Only authentication is managed by a LDAP server.

Other properties continue to be configured in the tool.

In our February 2024 update, we introduced a way to better manage user access. Now, users added automatically (using Grafana's LDAP integration) won't have full access until they're assigned a specific role. This can be easily set up in the Global Settings Dashboard, giving you more control over access permissions.

User Privileges

3 privileges are available. A privilege needs to be assigned to a user



  • Read only access to Datasentinel

read write

  • Read only access to Datasentinel

  • Kill sessions


  • Read only access to Datasentinel

  • Kill sessions

  • Agent, PostgreSQL instance management

  • User Management

  • Datasentinel Configuration

Default: admin


2 profiles are available. A profile needs to be assigned to a user



data admin

  • Access to all dashboards

Default: data admin

Live360 Access

Accessibility to the Live360 module (Direct access to instances) can also be configured.

Default: enabled

Role Based Access

This feature allows users to access to a limited perimeter of PostgreSQL instances, providing greater control over platform security.

🛡️Role Based Access

Last updated