🛡️Role Based Access

Datasentinel offers Role-Based Access Control, enabling precise restriction of designated users to specific perimeters among the total instances available.

This functionality grants users access to a restricted scope of PostgreSQL instances, offering enhanced control over platform security.

How it Works

  1. Utilize pre-existing tags or link novel tags to your PostgreSQL clusters. Refer to Tags section for more details.

  2. Establish a role featuring conditions based on one or more tags.

  3. Allocate the created role to a designated user.

Blog Post

Create Role

Role management can be performed both through the platform’s interface and its available API

You can associate multiple tags to the same role and combine AND/OR conditions

Through API

🧩Role API

Through UI


Can a user be assigned multiple roles?

No, a user can only be assigned one role in Datasentinel

What is the finest level of granularity for access control in Datasentinel?

The finest granularity for access control in Datasentinel is at the level of the PostgreSQL instance name

Can a role have multiple conditions based on the same tag?

Yes, a role in Datasentinel can indeed have several conditions based on the same tag.

Let's say you have a team member who needs access to two specific applications within your PostgreSQL environment – for instance, a crm and a sales application.

In Datasentinel, you can easily create a role that encompasses access to both these applications by setting up multiple conditions on the same tag.

In this example, you can define a role with the following conditions:

application=crm OR application=sales.

Last updated