🕶️Monitoring User

Version >= 10

create user datasentinel password 'myPassword';
grant pg_monitor,pg_read_all_settings,pg_read_all_stats to datasentinel;

If you intend to use the option for terminating a session directly from the User Interface

grant pg_signal_backend to datasentinel;

It's important to highlight that the user doesn't write data in PostgreSQL Access is confined to read-only permissions solely for retrieving metrics.

For Version < 10

The user must have the role superuser

create user datasentinel password 'myPassword';
alter user datasentinel with superuser;

The default setting for the PostgreSQL search_path variable is "$user", public.

If the search_path has been modified at the instance level, it's essential to ensure that the user account, typically datasentinel, includes the public schema in its search_path.

If the public schema is not included, you will need to update it accordingly.

ALTER USER datasentinel SET search_path TO "$user", public;
// Connect with datasentinel user
SHOW search_path;

File pg_hba.conf

  • Add authorization for the monitoring user to connect to all databases with a password

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
host    all             datasentinel             md5

The user needs to be able to connect to ALL databases.

  • Reload the configuration

SSL connection

Only Available when using the Agentless method

You can configure the monitoring user to use SSL connections to your PostgreSQL instances

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Navigate to the Agentless Settings section of the UI

  • Ensure that your connection name starts with ssl (for instance, "ssl_crm_production").

  • Transfer the certificates to the /datasentinel/ssl directory on the platform.

  • The name of the certificate files must be standardized starting with the name of the connection, as below

  • Change the access permissions: chmod 600

Last updated