AWS Marketplace
Deploy Datasentinel via AWS Marketplace with Metering
AWS Marketplace Metering Service
Datasentinel manages PostgreSQL instance registration and monitoring within your Amazon subscription.
Costs are based on the hourly monitoring count of instances.
For further information on pricing, please refer to the AWS Marketplace.
This deployment type does not require purchasing individual licenses.
To make use of individual licenses on AWS, just deploy an EC2 instance, install Datasentinel, and apply the license.
EC2 requirements
The EC2 instance containing the Datasentinel server must meet the following requirements.
IAM role permission
An IAM role with the aws-marketplace:MeterUsage permission must be associated with the EC2 instance
This permission allows the role to contact the Metering Service API and record usage.
A user with rights to define and assign roles can create the role in either of the following ways:
1. Create the role on the Configure Instance Details panel of the wizard
To get the aws-marketplace:MeterUsage permission, attach the AWS managed policy AWSMarketplaceMeteringFullAccess to the role.
If a role with the required permissions is not associated with the EC2 instance,
Datasentinel reports issues with metering service availability.
For more information, see:
Access to the metadata URL
The EC2 instance must have HTTP connectivity to, which is a local IP address accessible only from within Amazon instances.
To validate that the EC2 instance can access the metadata service, execute the following command:
The command returns a list of available metadata items.
Access to the metering service
The EC2 instance must be able to reach the AWS Metering Service (MeterUsage API).
The region is where your EC2 instance is running
To be able to launch Datasentinel, you must have an Internet gateway configured.
The Metering Service has an endpoint on the public Internet.
To access the Metering Service, your Virtual Private Cloud must be configured to allow an outbound HTTPS connection to the public Internet.
To validate that the EC2 instance can connect to the Metering Service, execute the following command:
Replace {region} with the region where your EC2 instance is running.
You should receive healthy as a response from the server.
How to subscribe to Datasentinel?
Log in to the AWS Marketplace
Enter Datasentinel in the search field
Product information will be displayed. Next, click the button
Subscription information will be displayed. Next, click the button
Choose your desired region from the drop down list.
We suggest selecting the region where your PostgreSQL instances are hosted
Next, click the button
Opt for an instance type of at least t2.xlarge. Datasentinel is also compatible with EC2 instances of type m5.
Default sizing recommendations with a retention of 14 days
1 to 10
11 to 50
51 to 100
101 to 200
Select a role with the required permission or create it (see the EC2 requirements section for more information)
Keep metadata accessible, both v1 and v2
Set the storage size. (Default 20GB)
Add security rules
Proceed to launch the instance. Completion may take a few minutes.
How to connect to Datasentinel?¶
How to Access Your EC2 Instance
Connect to the Linux AMI via SSH using the ec2-user and authenticating with a public key.
To connect to Datasentinel application
Launch a web browser and enter the host name (Public DNS) or IP address of your new Datasentinel instance as the URL.
To log in, enter datasentinel
The default password is the AWS instance ID.
Encountering this error while connecting to the GUI signifies a communication issue between Datasentinel and the AWS Marketplace.
There exists a variety of potential reasons
The IAM Role does not exist or does not have the right rights
Metadata is not accessible (Version v1 and v2)
The response should display the product code
How to add your PostgreSQL instances?
After the installation is finalized, the only remaining task is to configure the instances for monitoring.
You'll have the option to choose between:
Agent-based mode
Install an agent on each server locally and configure it to establish communication with the platform. This is particularly suitable when you have direct control over your PostgreSQL instances.
Agentless mode
Set up connections directly through the user-friendly graphical interface. This approach is optimal for AWS managed instances such as RDS and Aurora. Additionally, you can automate connection additions via the API.
Last updated