
The deployment use the image available on Docker Hub

One agent can effectively monitor multiple PostgreSQL clusters.

You can also use the Agentless approach if you don’t want to install an agent

Create Load Balancer

This example use a service of type LoadBalancer to expose the agent port.

kubectl apply -f

Deploy Agent

Because the agent registers the server name and listening port to the platform, you need to expose them externally and pass the values when running a new agent.

This allows the platform to communicate with the agent.

  • Get the external ip of the load balancer

kubectl get services datasentinel-agent  -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"
  • Download the definition file


You need to replace the DATASENTINEL_AGENT_HOST value by the Load balancer IP

  • Then create the agent

kubectl apply -f kubernetes.yml

A persistent volume datasentinel-agent-config-volume (Mount path /agent/config) is created to store agent configuration files

You can use the agent CLI by attaching a shell: kubectl exec –stdin –tty datasentinel-agent – /bin/bash

// CLI command example
/agent/datasentinel/datasentinel status agent

You can also use the API to configure the agent.

// Check agent status 
curl -k https://${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_HOST}:${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_PORT}/api/agent/status

Update token with valid license

export TOKEN="Valid license key"

cat <<EOF >body.json
    "value" : "$TOKEN"

curl -k --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --request PUT "https://${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_HOST}:${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_PORT}/api/server/token" -d @body.json

Set Datasentinel upload platform

cat <<EOF >upload_server.json
  "host": "datasentinel_server",
  "port": 443

curl -k --header "api-token: $TOKEN" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT https://${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_HOST}:${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_PORT}/api/server -d @upload_server.json
# Check upload server

Test the communication between the agent and the platform

curl -k --header "api-token: $TOKEN" --request POST https://${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_HOST}:${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_PORT}/api/server/test-upload

Add a PostgreSQL connection

cat > body.json <<EOF
  "host": "",
  "port": 5432,
  "user": "datasentinel",
  "password": "myPassword",
  "tags": "application=application_name,environment=docker,datacenter=datacenter"

curl -k --header "api-token: $TOKEN" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --request POST "https://${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_HOST}:${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_PORT}/api/connections/pg_docker_example" -d @body.json

Check connection

curl -k --header "api-token: $TOKEN" -X GET https://${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_HOST}:${DATASENTINEL_AGENT_PORT}/api/connections

Last updated